FNV Clean Animations - Part 1 (2024)

It is highly recommended that you use the updated and revised version of this mod.
This version is no longer supported, but it will be remain on Nexus for posterity's sake.


1.02 (5.24.22) UPDATE NOTICE:
Please completely uninstall the old version before reinstalling. This will ensure that the file that caused you to move backwards when you meant to move forwards when aiming with the 9mm Pistol is completely removed. It will not be overwritten if you just do a straight update, and the bug will remain.


In some respects, this mod can be considered an update to many of the individually released sets:
  • Two new "bonus" animation sets: the Service Rifle and the Caravan Shotgun
  • Tweaked jam animations on the Laser Pistol to look more natural
  • Proper AttackLoop animations for Col. Autumn's Laser Pistol
  • Replaced Sound: WPNPistolLaserReloadPt1 sound with a more appropriate sound for the Laser Pistol animation
  • Includes missing sound files for the Assault Rifle jam animation
  • Improves transition from hip-fire to iron sights for the following weapons:
    Laser Pistol
    Laser Rifle
    Caravan Shotgun
  • Adds inspect animations for all animation sets
  • Includes optional, high fire rate addons for the following weapons:
    10mm Pistol
    9mm Pistol
    .45 Auto Pistol
  • Optionally improves iron sight alignment for the most egregiously mis-algined weapons via ISControl Enabler


  • Gameplay-friendly: you don't need a high Agility stat and/or the Rapid Reload perk to make these animations viable for normal gameplay
  • TTW support
  • Inspect animation for B42 Weapon Inspect (for most weapons)
  • Altogether covers 12 individual animation "sets"


  • This mod includes animation sets for the following weapons:
    10mm Pistol
    9mm Pistol
    .45 Auto Pistol
    Plasma Pistol
    Laser Pistol
    Laser Rifle
    Grenade Rifle
    Service Rifle
    Assault Rifle
    Single Shotgun
    Caravan Shotgun
    Combat Shotgun
  • All animation sets include the following:
    Aim, AimIS
    Attack, AttackIS
    Equip, Unequip
    Partial Reload (if applicable)
    Inspect animations if you use B42 Weapon Inspect
    Locomotion (running, walking, sneak running, sneak walking, injured running, injured walking, jumping, IS locomotion)
  • Some animation include the following:
    Multiple attack animations for Attack, AttackIS
    Multiple reload animations


  • xNVSE
  • kNVSE
  • ISControl Enabler
  • lStewieAI Teaks
    bAutoWeaponNoFiringDelay = 1


  • WMIM
  • Immersive Recoil 2.0
  • Viewmodel Recoil
  • b42 Weapon Inertia
  • Reload Reloaded
  • FOV Slider
  • Jamming Fix and Optional Tweaks
  • B42 Weapon Inspect




Compatible out of the box with any mod that does not use kNVSE to modify the same animations including in this mod.

Thanks to the excellent ISControl Enabler by Xilandro, mesh patches for iron sights are no longer necessary. This means that patches for mods like WMIM, WRP, EVE, TTW, etc. are no longer necessary in any capacity. Previous patches were all mesh patches to add in the ##ISControl node to get nice iron sight animations; ISControl Enabler removes the need for this, either from a user or mod author end, entirely.

support Xilandro for his work and contributions to the community, especially right now; I would rather people donate to him rather than me during this time.

You will still need patches to make certain animations work with certain mods, which is the only real drawback of

kNVSE. Basically, if you want the 10mm Pistol animations to work with a custom pistol, you'll need to an entry to the 10mm Pistol's .json file in order to get those animations. See the kNVSE for instructions on how to do this. Note this is only necessary if you want to add these animations to a mod that uses an .esp/isn't a straight replacer; mesh replacers do not need a patch, but if they dramatically change the shape of the weapon, they may not play nice with the new animations.Can be used with other sets, like Hitman's or Johnson's, but you need to know how to mix and match yourself, or set certain animations to play under certain conditions. Unfortunately, given the great amount of flexibility kNVSE allows, I won't be providing instructions for these situations, as there's just too many to account for. Do some reading on the kNVSE mod page, and you should be able to figure it out. :)

You can also visit the write-up in the "Articles" tab to figure out how to delete animations you don't want from this mod--this would allow you to easily mix and match (i.e. delete my .45 Auto Pistol folder and .json, and then dump in Hitman's .45 Auto Pistol folder and .json).

If you enjoy the mod in any capacity, the best thing you can do is simply endorse the mod.

If, and only if, you have the means, you can help support me by joining my Patreon or by making a one time donation.

All of these options help encourage (and support) me to develop and support my animations with greater efficiency.

You might also consider donating to korri123, creator of kNVSE, without whom none of the many animation mods now flooding the Nexus would be possible. He has donations set up under the "Donations" tab on his kNVSE mod page.

  • Pay as much respect as possible to the vanilla design, and re-imagine them with more detail and without the constraints of rigid weapon categories
  • The vanilla "style" will be modified in cases where the original style of the animation was exceptionally poorly considered
  • Style and gameplay > realism
    Believable > realism
  • Pay respect to vanilla fire rate, reload, and jam timings. Whenever possible, these will be maintained; however, timings might be modified to add additional detail, and when animations were clearly rushed/reuse in the place of carefully considered balance
  • Full reloads will always be longer than partial reloads, and always longer
    than the original vanilla timings. Partial reloads will always hew closer to the vanilla timings


This mod collects the FNV Clean Animation "Sets" I've been releasing over the past few months into one package. On top of that, it provides several fixes, tweaks, and additions to the existing sets--which includes B42 Weapon Inspect animations for every single set. Be warned that a few animations here and there might feel half-assed (a handful of inspect animations, the Service Rifle jam animation)--this was a lot more work than I expected, and I kind of burnt out. It includes all optional files and some new ones that people have been asking for. Finally, it adds in two "new" animation sets, that were actually animation sets I started way before I began working on the 10mm Pistol set that kicked this off, and started creating universal locomotion, etc., to be used in my animation mods. As such, the Service Rifle and Caravan Shotgun do not really fit the above design philosophy, and do not really adhere to the below gameplay notes. They are provided as-is as a "bonus," and some animations within those sets may still be kind of janky.

Other than that, there's not a whole lot new to say here. Make sure you peek through the whole mod page to learn about the new things included and, other than that, have fun. :) And, as I haven't been saying it enough lately, thank you all for your continued support.


  • As a rule of thumb, partial reloads either match or attempt to match vanilla reload timings. Full reloads are almost always longer
  • As a rule of thumb, jam animations either match or attempt to match vanilla jam timings
  • Fire rates always match vanilla timings, except in given optional files




Question: The reload for these guns are super fast and look bad. Why?
Answer: You have a very high Agility stat and/or are using the Rapid Reload perk. This will generally make animations look bad. This happened in vanilla, too, but vanilla animations already looked bad, so you never noticed.

Question: What should I set my FOV to?
Answer: My FOV is set to 64. Probably around 60 - 70 will look best, although vanilla (55) will work perfectly fine. Personally, I think anything over 75 looks terrible. I try to mitigate weirdness at higher FOVs (as in, you should encounter no issues), but I do not support any problems you encounter when you're playing on a FOV higher than 75.Question: I want the updates this mod provides, but I don't want all of the animations. How do I pick and choose?
See the Article.

Question: What's next for you?
Elden Ring, and then reading every single A Song of Ice and Fire Book. Also: doing my job, try to find a job for the summer since I'm contract based and have no summer employment, going to the gym, enjoying the fresh air, etc. In short, I won't be animating [extensively] for a while (probably).

If you're asking what I plan on covering next: the intention is to make a full first-person animation overhaul for TTW. Any New Vegas weapons not included in TTW's Capital Wasteland and not commissioned will be excluded.

Question: According to the lore, some of these animations are incorrect!
Within the realm of things I actively care about, Fallout lore, both in general and concerning the minutia of fictional firearms, is at the absolute bottom of the barrel.

Question: There is something unrealistic about your animations.
Answer: Short answer: read the design philosophy. Moreover, although I am not a gun nut, I've been creating these sorts of animations for long enough to know to look up some of these firearms if I don't know what's going on. If something is incorrect, I already know, and it's intentional for one reason or another. I do not need a lesson on how any of these weapons, real or fictional, work. If you do not find the animations believable, there are plenty of other sets on the Nexus; animations mods are quickly becoming some of those most commonly released mods out there.Question: I don't have iron sight animations!
Answer: Use ISControl Enabler. Simply check the .esm, and your problems are forever solved.

Question: Why don't you include ammo check animations for B42 Inspect/Ammo Check?
Two reasons. First, because a lot of the vanilla models--shockingly--are not that great, and the magazines, especially, will probably look weird when you look at them. As in, you'll pull out the mag, look at it, and see nothing but a blank texture. Moreover, they're significantly more work than an inspect animation (inspect animations are mostly just you waving your gun around; ammo checks involve mag-in, mag-out, bolt-pulling, etc--i.e., all of the hardest parts of animating), and I simply don't want to put in the work for a feature that, on top of it all, I'm not going to use (even though Xilandro is a great mod author and person).

Question: Will you apply these animations to other mods?
If I missed an entry for New Vegas, any of its DLCs (excluding pre-order DLCs), YUP, or TTW, let me know, and I will add them in with an update.

As for other mods: the answer is no, I'm afraid.

I have neither the time nor the desire to hunt down every weapon these animations could be applied to and patch them. Thankfully, it's easy to do so yourself. You can find out how by visiting kNVSE's mod page (you will need to edit the .json file with something like Notepad++). If you don't want to do that, you might wait until someone else does it for you.Question: Why won't you cover the weapons from the pre-order DLCs?
Answer: Because they typically refuse to behave correctly, even when entered correctly into the .json, and I'm tired of fighting them. On top of this, I have literally disabled them from my game, as they're extremely over-powered, unnecessary, and a holdover from godawful and exploitative pre-order practices (that still exist today, I'm sure). In any case, this makes them a huge pain to troubleshoot, and so I'm simply no longer supporting them.

Question: Can I make a showcase?
Sure, go for it! I'm always happy to see other people enjoying all of the hard work. :) Just please make sure that you do not have the Rapid Reload perk, and that your

Agility is set to something reasonable (preferably 5, and certainly below 8), and that your FOV isn't at like 110 or something (the animations are built for lower FOVs). Obviously, I actually have zero control over any of this. You can actually do literally whatever you like in a showcase, and no one--least of all me--is going to stop you--but if you're going to ask me, these are my preferences.
Question: I don't like the style of this animation. Will you change it completely?
Answer: Nope! Criticism is very welcome, but the style you see is the style that you get. It's not changing.

Question: Will you make an animation(s) for me?
Visit my Patreon.

Question: Can you help me start animating?
Yes and no. I'm actually a technical dumbass, so in many respects, no. But there are resources available to you here. They are outdated now, but they should help you get started enough to where you can begin asking questions. I might be able to help you if you PM me, but please note that I am busy, and can't promise anything. I will do my best, though--I know it's hard to get started. But you also have to take some initiative.KNOWN ISSUES



Please don't report these as bugs. I'm aware of them. These will be closed if you report them, because I'd rather make room for bug reports I'm actually unaware of.
1) The projectile that shoots from the gun when firing in iron sights mode is not aligned properly. This is a consequence of how I make iron sight animations. As mentioned in the FAQ, I looked into fixing this, but decided against the enormous amount of work it would take tofix a minor visual bug that most people (including myself) do not notice in normal gameplay.

2) Even with some the ISConfig.ini enabled, some of the weapons might still not be perfectly aligned. This was because getting them perfectly aligned would make the viewmodel look bad; however, every weapon should be close enough to the point where you should literally never notice in gameplay. To me, this is the preferable solution, as going back and aligning everything perfectly entails me redoing a ton of work for what is a relatively minor visual bug.

Without the help of the following individuals, I would not have been able to animate at all.



for inspiring and encouraging me to continue, your technical knowledge
of blender, your advice, and your boundless patience with my confusion.

hitman47101: for supplying the vanilla rigs and answering questions.
DecerBW (Asurah): for answering questions and troubleshooting.
jmajero: for answering questions and troubleshooting.
Jacksonelhage: for answering questions and troubleshooting.
korri123: for kNVSE, troubleshooting, and for being tolerant of my technical ineptitude.
Xolerys1: for your input, perseverance, and generally making our little animation community better.
audixas: for testing, support, and feedback.
anonx1987: for support and feedback.
visualcore: for support and feedback.
Sigerious: for support and feedback.
ShinyHax: for their tutorial.
Obsidian: for making the game.
Bethesda: for creating such a malleable - if wonky - game engine for us all to muck around in.

blender: the primary tool I use to make these animations.
NifSkope: the secondary tool I use to make these animations.

FNV Clean Animations - Part 1 (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.