Ark: Survival Ascended - How To Use Console Commands (2024)

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  • How To Enable The Command Console

  • How To Open The Command Console

  • Every Command Code In Ark: Survival Ascended

Console commands are essentially cheats that you can use in Ark: Survival Ascended to personalize your gaming experience. Some commands can make the game easier by providing materials, while some allow you to become invisible or fly. Regardless of what you want to do, console commands are quite useful.


Ark: Survival Ascended - 8 Beginner Tips

The world in Ark: Survival Ascended is brutal, but with these beginner's tips, you can become a survival expert.

In this guide, we are going to go over how to use console commands in Ark: Survival Ascended. Additionally, we'll take a look at some of the commands that you can use. At the time of publication, the game is only available on PC, however, we will update this guide with information regarding PlayStation and Xbox once available.

Ark: Survival Ascended is currently in Early Access and as such, the content is subject to change. We will update these articles as required.

How To Enable The Command Console

Ark: Survival Ascended - How To Use Console Commands (2)

Before you can use commands, you will need to enable the command console. This is a simple process that you only have to do once though.

To do this, head to the main menu of the game, navigating to the Advanced tab of the Settings menu.

From here, you should see "Console Access" in the lefthand column. By default, this will say "Off", but by clicking on it, it will turn to "On". With this set, you can exit the menu and go back to the game.

How To Open The Command Console

With the command console enabled, you will now need to open it. This displays an area that you can put cheats into.

To do this, simply press '~' (this is the tilde button). When you do this, a command console will open, allowing you to type cheats. The bar itself is quite tiny; in the image above, you can see the command console enabled at the bottom of the screen.

Every Command Code In Ark: Survival Ascended

Ark: Survival Ascended - How To Use Console Commands (4)

There are a lot of commands in Ark: Survival Ascended but fortunately, they are pretty much the same as those found in Ark: Survival Evolved. Below, you can check out every command in the game, as well as what it does.



addexperience [number]

Add a set amount of experience to yourself

changesize [number]

Change your own size


Tame a targeted dinosaur


Make yourself invisible to enemies


Gain the ability to fly


Tame and ride a dinosaur without a saddle

forcetameaoe [radius]

Force tame in a specified radius


Walk through objects


Spawn every meat type

givearmorset [tier] [quality]

Spawn a ful set of armor


Spawn every dye type


Enable creative mode for yourself


Enable creative mode for a target

givecreativemodetoplayer [playerID]

Enable creative mode for another player

givedinoset [tier] [quantity]

Spawn a dinosaur with a matching saddle


Unlock all Engrams


Unlock all Tek Engrams

giveitem [blueprintpath] [quantity] [quality] [forceblueprint]

Spawn in an item

giveitemnum [itemNumber] [quantity] [quality] [forceblueprint]

Spawn in an item

giveitemset [tier]

Spawn in all items in a tier

giveitemtoplayer [playerID] [itemNumber] [quantity] [quality] [forceblueprint]

Spawn in an item for another player

giveitemnumtoplayer [playerID] [itemNumber] [quantity] [quality] [forceblueprint]

Spawn in an item for another player


Spawn 50 of each material

giveweaponset [tier] [quality]

Spawn in a weapon set


Enable God Mode and gain 5,000 XP

gmsummon [type] [level]

Spawn a tamed creature


Gain infinite food, water, stamina, and oxygen


Enable God Mode

setcheatplayer [true/false]

Enable/Disable another player's ability to use cheats

settimeofday [hour:minute]

Set the time of day

summon [type]

Summon a type of creature

summontamed [type]

Summon a type of tamed creature


Teleport forwards

teleportplayeridtome [playerID]

Teleport another player to you

teleportplayernametome [playername]

Teleport another player to you


Enable unlimited ammo

tpcoords [latitude] [longitude] [altitude]

Teleport to a specific location


Disable Fly command

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Item ID Vs. Blueprint Path

There are a lot of variables mentioned above, with many of them representing the same thing. Two variables like this are "itemNumber" and "blueprintpath".

The "itemNumber" refers to an item's specific number ID. For example, the ID for Chitin Leggings is 27. To summon one pair of leggings at the lowest quality, you would use the following command.

  • giveitemnum 27 1 1 true

By setting "forceblueprint" to "true", you will also unlock this blueprint on the Engram tree. If false, the item will remain locked, and you will need to use your own Engram points to unlock it if you want to craft manually.

Blueprint paths are a bit more complex to use, and aren't necessary for every situation, however they can be helpful if you are playing with certain mods. If you were to summon the same Chitin Leggins with this code, you would use the following command.

  • giveItem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Chitin/PrimalItemArmor_ChitinPants.PrimalItemArmor_ChitinPants'" 1 1 true

At ArkIDs, you can find a complete list of every item number in the game.

Next: Ark: Survival Ascended - How To Get Silica Pearls

Ark: Survival Ascended - How To Use Console Commands (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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