All Ark: Survival Ascended Console Commands (2024)

Ark: Survival Ascendedplayers can get greater control over their game to access cheat-like codes by using Console Commands—and we can tell you how to use them and what codes to use.

If you’re playing in a single-player or a private session with your friends inArk: Survival Ascended, you can use the console commands to boost yourself considerably. Console Commands aren’t available on official servers, and admin access is required on private servers on Nitrado.

Here are all the admin commands in Ark: Survival Ascended.

Console Commands are essentially cheats you can enter into a game’s specific menu on PC,allowing you to streamline the game to your willor acquire items automatically.

Admin commands actual actions depend on the game. ForArk, Console Commands allow you totame dinosaurs, spawn dinosaurs, gain experience, and adjust settings likeremoving volumetric clouds.

Console Commands are only available if you are the server owner inArk: Survival Ascendedor have been granted admin privileges. They cannot be used on official Studio Wildcard servers.


Console Commands can even come in handy on PC for performance. Global illumination, shadows, lighting, grass, reflections, and more can be adjusted via Console Commands.

Once you have used the above methods, you can open up the Console Commands menu, and enter the following terms.

Console Command CodeDescription
addexperience (number)Add the specified amount of XP
allowplayertojoinnocheck (steam ID) OR (psn ID) OR (xbox gamertag) / disallowplayertojoinnocheck (steam ID) OR (psn ID) OR (xbox gamertag)Adds a specified player to the server whitelist / Removes a specified player from the server whitelist
banplayer (steam ID) OR (psn ID) OR (xbox gamertag)Causes a server to no longer appear as an option for the specified player
broadcast (message)Sends a specified message out to all players on the server
changesize (number)Changes the user’s Default size to 1
clearplayerinventory (player ID) (clearinventory) (clearslotitems) (clearequippeditems)Can be used to remove the specified category of items from a specified player
cleartutorialsStops tutorial messages from appearing
debugstructuresCauses the user to see ID and structure information when looking at structures
destroyall (type)Destroys all specified dinosaurs
destroy allenemiesDestroys all wild and tamed creatures now owned by the user who uses the command
destroystructuresCauses structures owned by all players to be destroyed
destroytribedinosCauses all dinosaurs to be destroyed based on the character the user is currently facing
destroytribeplayersCauses all tribe members the user is currently facing to be destroyed
destroytribestructuresCauses all tribe structures the user is currently facing to be destroyed
destroywilddinosCauses all untamed dinosaurs to be destroyed
disablespectatorCauses the user to leave spectator mode and respawn as a player
doexitShuts down the server
dorestartlevelCauses the server’s map to perform an internal restart
dotameTames dinosaurs the user is currently facing
enemyinvisibleEnemies will not attack or react to the user
execsetsleeping trueCauses the user to fall asleep
execsetsleeping falseCauses the user to wake up
flyEnables the ability to fly
forcetameTames the dinosaur the user is currently facing and allows the user to ride it without using a saddle
forcetameaoe (radius)Tames every dinosaur within the user’s determined radius
forceplayertojointargettribe (player ID)Causes the specified player to join the tribe that the user is currently facing
gamecommand (command) Allows the user to use specific game commands to start new game modes
getchatShows the user all in-game chat
getallstateShows all admin entries to the command console
getgamelogShows all major game events, such as restarts or stops to the server
GFI (name of item)Can be used to instantly acquire items or dinosaurs, but it isn’t very accurate
ghostEnables the user to pass through objects and models
giveallmeatProvides the user with every type of meat
giveallstructureGives the user ownership of all tribe or player structures that they’re currently facing
givearmorset (tier) (quality)Provides armor based on desired tier and quality
givebossitemsProvides the user with boss reward
givecolorsProvides each type of dye
givecreativemodePlaces the user into creative mode and unlocks everything
givecreativemodetoplayer (playerID#)Places a specific player into creative mode
givedinoset (tier)(quantity)Spawns a dinosaur and a saddle of the specified tier and quantity
giveengramsUnlock all crafting recipes
giveengramstekonlyUnlocks each Tek crafting recipe
giveitem / giveitemnum (item#/blueprintpath)(quantity)(quality)(forceblueprint)Provides the specified item
giveitemset (tier)Provides items of the specified tier
giveitemtoplayer / giveitemnumtoplayer (playerID#)(item#/blueprintpath)(quantity)(quality)(forceblueprint)Provides the specified item to a specific player
giveresourcesProvides 50 of each type of material
giveweaponset (tier)(quality)Provides each weapon from the specified set
giveslotitem /giveslotitemnum (blueprintpath) (slotnumber) (quantity)Gives the user an item based on the (blueprintpath) to the user’s specified (slotnumber)
givetomeGives the user whatever item, structure, or dinosaur that they’re currently facing
gmbuffPlaces the user in God Mode and provides XP and engram points
gmsummon(type)(level)Spawns a tamed creature of the specified level
godPlaces the user in God Mode and makes them immune to attacks, but the user can still drown or be damaged by hunger and thirst
hidetutorial (tutorialindex)Hides the specified tutorial
hurtme (amount)Causes the user to take damage equal to the entered amount
infinitestatsRemove all food, water, oxygen, and stamina requirements
kickplayer (steam ID) OR (psn ID) OR (xbox gamertag)Removes the specified player from the server
killKills the player, structure, or creature that the user is currently facing
killplayer (steam ID) OR (psn ID) OR (xbox gamertag)Causes the specified player to be killed
leavemealonePlayer becomes invincible
listplayersShows the user all players in the server as well as their ID
maketribeadminMakes the user the admin of a tribe that they’re currently a member of
maketribefounderMakes the user the founder of a tribe that they’re currently a member of
ontoggleingamemenuOpens and closes the in-game menu
openmap (mapname)Opens the specified map
playersonlyCauses all creatures to be frozen while players can freely roam
printcolorsPrints color ID’s
removetribeadminCauses the current tribe admin of the user’s tribe to become a normal member of the tribe
renameplayer (steam ID) OR (psn ID) or (xbox gamertag) (newname)Causes the in-game name of the specified player to be changed to the user’s specified entry
renametribe (tribename) (newtribename)Allows the user to rename tribes
requestspectator (password)Allows the user to request to join as a spectator — requires the password which is set by the server owner
saveworldSaves all in-game settings and instances
serverchat (message)Sends a message to all players in the server
serverchattoplayer (steam ID) OR (psn ID) OR (xbox gamertag)Sends a message to the specified player
setadminicon trueShows the admin icon next to an admin’s name in the in-game chat
setadminicon falseHides the admin icon next to an admin’s name in the in-game chat
setbabyage (agevalue)Changes the age of whatever baby the user is currently facing
setcheatplayer falseDisable cheat menu
setcheatplayer trueEnable cheat menu
setfacialhairpercent (length)Changes the length of the beard on whatever character the user is currently facing
setfacialhairstyle (number)Changes the hairstyle of whatever character the user is currently facing using the numbers 0-7
setglobalpause (ispaused)Pauses the entire server
setheadhairpercent (length)Changes the length of the hair of whatever character the user is currently facing
settimeofday xx:xxChange time of day to desired input
summon <type>Spawn a desired creature
summontamed <type>Spawn a desired tamed creature
teleportMoves the user forward to where they’re facing
teleportplayerIDtome <playerid>Moves a designated player to the user’s location
toggleinfiniteammoTurns infinite ammo on and off
tpcoords <lat> <lon> <altitude>Teleport to specified coordinates
walkTurns off flying

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All Ark: Survival Ascended Console Commands (2024)
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